Your construction site has everything that aids the construction process - building materials, huge machinery, and human resources. But do you have proper toilet and shower facilities for your employees? It is a prominent gap in sanitation, leading to employee discomfort, health issues, and productivity drop. Portable restroom trailers are an apt response to this need but are mostly found missing in such construction sites.
Such restroom and shower trailers at these sites enable toilets, hand-washing, and shower facilities for your employees, ensuring proper hygiene and sanitation. They enable a clean workplace environment, employee health and comfort, and higher productivity. For the smooth execution of your construction projects and the comfort of your employees, you can trust's portable restroom trailers.
For now, let's look into the benefits of using restroom and shower trailers on construction sites, including long-term cost benefits. Before that, let's understand the importance of sanitation on construction sites.
The Importance of Proper Sanitation on Construction Sites
The regulations and guidelines of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ensure healthy working conditions in the country. According to OSHA rules, employers must provide sanitation and toilet facilities for all employees at their construction sites to ensure their privacy and sanitation. OSHA provides guidelines on adequate numbers, proper locking systems, gender-specific restrooms, provision of soap/hand cleansers and water, and trash cans.
This is where portable restroom and shower trailers come to your rescue. Keeping these trailers at your work site can make the workplace favorable for employees. These trailers guarantee a readily-available and accessible solution for employees toilet and shower needs. You can ensure a healthy environment, a comfortable atmosphere, and a productive workplace.
Also, having such portable restroom trailers keeps you compliant with OSHA guidelines.
Benefits of Using Portable Restroom Trailers on Construction Sites
Convenience & Accessibility
Restroom and shower trailers are easy to install without additional costs or effort. They are also mobile, allowing you to shift them to the new construction site when needed. Your costs are reduced since you do not require a new restroom installation for the new site.
Moreover, if your site has limited permanent infrastructure, a portable restroom trailer is the best solution.
Improved Hygiene & Comfort
The principal benefit of having restroom and shower trailers is the assurance of a hygienic workplace for employees. Features like flushable toilets, sinks, mirrors, hand sanitizers, and climate control systems in these trailers reduce the possibility of germ spread, guaranteeing health safety. These portable toilets also safeguard employees privacy, dignity, and safety.
Increased Efficiency & Productivity
Just imagine a construction site with no portable restroom trailers. What will employees do at the time of a toilet emergency? Leave the site, find a restroom, relieve themselves, and then return to the project site. Now, calculate the time lost in this activity. It is enormous.
A restroom and shower trailer at the project site can reduce this downtime. With these trailers in place, employees can attend to their needs immediately without disrupting productivity. Thus, you can ensure employees comfort and convenience, resulting in healthy work environment.
Compliance with Regulations
As a construction site owner, if you do not install these restroom and shower trailers on your project site, you violate the OSHA sanitation regulations and the state-specific rules. And such offenses can lead to hefty fines, causing you monetary losses or legal issues. Thus, installing these restroom trailers lets you comply with federal and local sanitation, safety, and health regulations.
Long-Term Cost Benefits of Portable Restroom Trailers
These portable restroom trailers provide all the sanitation, compliance, and employee convenience benefits you are looking for. However, a cost-benefit analysis is essential. Besides the cost of the trailer, consider the installation, delivery, and expenses for regular maintenance and repair work.
If we consider the cost, porta-potties are cheaper. They are easier to set up, clean, maintain, and more readily available.
On the other hand, restroom and shower trailers are expensive to set up, considering additional plumbing and fixtures. But these are better than porta-potties due to more privacy, running water, and larger stalls, adding to employees convenience. Moreover, your expenses on regular maintenance, cleaning, and repair will reduce in the long run.
Choosing the Right Portable Restroom Trailer for Your Site
We have understood that portable restroom trailers are essential for any construction project site. But just buying any trailer is not the solution to your problem. You must make an informed decision on selecting the right option to reap the benefits mentioned above. Determine a budget and select a restroom trailer that balances quality, cost, and OSHA compliance.
To choose proper portable restroom and shower trailers for your site, you must understand your needs, such as the number of bathrooms and urinals needed at the project site. This number depends on your capacity requirements so that you can facilitate optimal convenience and hygiene for your employees.
Features of the restroom and shower trailers also need proper consideration. Features can include:
- Urinals
- Bathrooms
- Locking doors
- Trash cans
- Washbasins
- A well-connected sewer system
- Running water
- Hand towels
- Toilet paper
- Soap and/or hand sanitizers
You must also check the durability of these restroom trailers to ensure they withstand the harsh conditions of construction sites that can lead to wear and tear. These portable trailers must be easy to install, maintain, and shift from one place to another. Their durability makes it easier to reuse them at other project sites, increasing your ROI.
If you are looking for all these features within your budget, is the best option. We can provide you with the best restroom and shower trailers in various sizes and styles. You can also ask for a customized option for your project site. Through these trailers, we intend to improve workplace sanitation facilities that help keep your employees safe, healthy, and happy.
Explore High-Quality Restroom Trailers at
High-quality portable restroom trailers at any project site are critical for employees health and convenience. Not only this, but you can also comply with OSHA sanitation regulations with the right hygienic solution. And they also contribute to increased productivity, work efficiency, and well-being of employees, which is generally ignored.
If you are looking for high-quality trailers for your construction site, you are at the right place. offers standard and customized restroom and shower trailer options. Check out the options here:, or call us at 877-458-7245 to share your requirements; we will understand your custom needs and provide your the customized trailer for you. In addition to the restroom trailers, you also enjoy installation support and quality customer service at
What are the restroom requirements for construction sites?
According to OSHA regulations, employers must provide proper facilities for toilets and sanitation to employees. The restroom requirements include the following:
- Toilet rooms must be separate for each gender.
- There must be enough restrooms based on the employee size to avoid time wastage in queues.
- These restrooms must be promptly accessible to employees when needed.
- The garbage and waste from these restrooms must be removed regularly to ensure sanitary conditions.
- The restroom and shower trailers must have running water, soap or other cleansing agents, and hand towels or air blowers.
If you follow these requirements at your construction sites, you can boost employee morale and increase productivity.
How many portable restrooms does a construction site need?
OSHA guidelines require employers to provide one toilet facility for 20 or fewer employees. If the number of employees exceeds 20, you must have one toilet seat and one urinal per 40 employees. For 200 or more employees, one toilet seat and one urinal for every 50 employees are mandatory. In the case of showers, you must have one shower per 10 employees of each gender.
Why should construction sites use portable restroom trailers instead of standard porta-potties?
Standard porta-potties are more traditional in nature but easier to set up, clean, and maintain. Alternatively, portable restroom trailers have top-notch features like running water and larger stalls. Their climate control features: air conditioning or heating units, proper ventilation, and insulation help employees tolerate different weather conditions, which are absent in porta-potties. Thus, these trailers ensure more privacy, comfort, and a cleaner environment, resulting in happier employees.
How often should portable restrooms be cleaned and serviced?
Portal restroom and shower trailers do not require much maintenance. Servicing them once a week is better, including deep cleaning, quality checks for functionality, emptying trash cans, and restocking the essential sanitary requirements. You must conduct quality checks to ensure compliance with OSHA guidelines and employees health and safety.